Liposuction Is Not All About the Fat!
Each day in my Maryland and Baltimore Maryland offices I see people in consultation for Liposuction. While liposuction is one of the most popular procedures that I perform I find that often it is the most misunderstood. Liposuction is not only about removing the fat – it’s also about the overlying skin and how it sits on the body.
Assessment Before the Liposuction Procedure
Liposuction can be used to remove fat from just about any area of the body, but the key to a nice-looking result is having good skin tone, which has as much to do with what happens before as well as after the fat removal. When I evaluate my clientele in Maryland for liposuction, with their permission, I first pinch them to assess the skin tone.
If the skin tone is good (meaning good response and elasticity), when I remove fat from under the skin, it will shrink up easily. That person will have a nice result that looks and feels natural. If the skin tone is loose, I can still remove fat, but the skin may wind up looser, wavier or more irregular-looking, and the patient may be unhappy if they had different expectations.
The Best Candidates for Liposuction

In order to be a happy patient with a skin tone that is loose will need a different set of expectations then a patient with good skin tone. The paradox of liposuction is the people who do the best are often the people who need it the least. Young people with good skin tone often get the best results from liposuction because their skin is already taut and more elastic. Older individuals are more likely to want a liposuction procedure, but their skin is not as easy to work with which may be a problem.
This is not true with all procedures of cosmetic surgery. The best candidates for cosmetic liposuction have good skin tone and specific diet-resistant areas. It is much easier and safer to satisfy a patient with a specific goal than someone who just says “make me skinny” without understanding the complications involved. I used to think the term “body contouring” was just an attempt to call liposuction something sexier and less medical. Twenty years later body contouring describes exactly what I do. I can’t make a heavy person skinny, but I can make them more streamlined and their shape more balanced and in line with their bone structure. I can’t erase all fat but I can make it fit the body better and look more balanced.
Alone or Combined?
Liposuction can be performed alone or in combination with a procedure such as an abdominoplasty. The treatment option depends on a patient’s goal, healthy, amount of fat, diet, and location of area or areas that need treatment. I’ve provided effective and lasting liposuctions, along with many other cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures to many satisfied Maryland clients. The success of my practice is due to combining a clear understanding of my patients’ goals with unmatched expertise on how to achieve them.
Call AT Cosmetics for Natural-Looking Results
If you live in the Maryland, D.C. or Baltimore Maryland area and have been considering liposuction and want to be as healthy as you can be, contact my office at 301-900-5725. I’d be happy to give you a pinch and a heartfelt opinion on what procedure would be right for you.
August 11, 2010 12:52 am
Categories: Blog, Body, Liposuction