How To Know If Liposuction Makes Sense For You

If you’re near your ideal weight, but still battling those pockets of pinchable, stubborn fat that seem to have a mind of their own, you may want to consider the popular surgical procedure: liposuction. For most people, it’s an excellent way to target that fat, and it’s also popular here at our practice.
But, should you consider getting liposuction? We’ll explain how to know if liposuction makes sense for you.
All Fat Is Not Created Equal

We’ll start with an explanation of fat. There are two types of primary body fat: subcutaneous fat and visceral fat.
Subcutaneous fat sits just under the skin, and visceral fat surrounds our organs. Only dieting and exercise can reduce visceral fat.
The fat that liposuction can target is subcutaneous fat. You can grasp and pinch it with your fingers. We’re all born with it, but various elements contribute to the amount each of us develops – such as genetics, lifestyle, fitness, health issues such as diabetes and insulin resistance, and more.
Liposuction is Subcutaneous Fat’s Enemy
While diet reduces visceral fat, liposuction reduces subcutaneous fat. The procedure is typically an outpatient surgery. Depending upon the size of the area it may be done under local or general anesthesia.
In the procedure, small incisions are made in the skin. A small metal tube called a cannula is inserted it into the fat pocket. The tube or cannula is attached to a vacuum suction device, which sucks the fat out from underneath the skin. Recovery time and results vary, based on each individual.
Do Not Call It A Weight Loss Treatment

Please understand that liposuction is not a weight loss treatment. It’s a fat contouring procedure that can target several areas of the body, including the following:
- Waist
- Flanks (Love Handles)
- Upper/Lower Abdomen
- Hips
- Upper Arms
- Buttocks
- Inner/Outer Thighs
- Back
Is There An Ideal Candidate For Liposuction?
That’s an excellent question, and no – this procedure is not appropriate for everyone. Remember earlier when I mentioned the skin’s role in all of this? Liposuction is about the skin, not about the fat, and having good, tight skin increases the chances of optimal results. And obviously, you need to also be in good health, with no illness or medical conditions that can impair the healing process. Patients with loose skin have a higher risk of contour irregularities and may do better with surgeries that tighten and remove excess skin.
Liposuction is a Fan Favorite
In general, both men and women are getting more cosmetic surgery, and as we mentioned earlier, liposuction is very popular. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, of the nearly 1.8 million cosmetic surgical procedures performed in 2017, liposuction was among the top 5, ranking just behind breast augmentation. Many women who come here for a mommy makeover choose liposuction as part of their package.
We Look Forward to Meeting You if Liposuction Makes Sense For You
Hopefully, we’ve shed some light on how to know if liposuction makes sense for you. But if you have more questions, we have answers. Call us at 301-656-6398 and make an appointment for a free one-on-one consultation, in which we can determine if you’re a good candidate for liposuction. We have two locations conveniently located near you: Rockville, MD and McLean, VA.
November 21, 2018 11:31 am
Categories: Blog