Do Men Get Tummy Tucks?

Yes, men do get tummy tucks. In fact, I see it more and more often in my practice.
However, the consideration and selection process is very different from my female patients. In the female patient, pregnancy has caused the abdominal wall to weaken and stretch. When the babies are born and the uterus has returned to its normal size there is a lot of room to take back with a tummy tuck (tightening the abdominal wall and removing excess skin). We have room to help flatten the abdominal wall.
Men only accomplish this if they have lost a lot of weight. In weight loss, the fat in the abdomen decreases and gives us room to take back. It’s not uncommon for me to see a man with a “beer belly” who wants a flat abdomen. In this case, there is nothing to take back. Trying to flatten that abdomen would be like trying to flatten a woman’s abdomen in the ninth month of pregnancy. Sometimes we can improve this type of abdomen if there is a roll of skin and fat at the bottom. The external skin and fat for some can be removed, but it will not flatten the abdominal wall.
A man with significant weight loss has room to be reclaimed, and muscle and skin tightening can be successful.
What’s Involved in a Male Tummy Tuck?
I tailor scars more horizontally in the male abdominoplasty patient. Men tend to wear more horizontal underwear and bathing suits. We often discuss a 360-degree skin tightening, because, by the time they see me, they are often loose in the flanks and back as well.

I often recommend staging this because I think it gives a tighter result if you tighten the front and back separately. If you pull to the front and the back at the same time you are fighting yourself and may not get as much tightening on either.
Men tend to want to do too much too soon. I often have to keep tabs on my male patients to be sure they are giving themselves the appropriate amount of time to recover following a tummy tuck.
Tummy Tuck Recovery
After the surgery, you will have to wear an abdominal binder or compression garment for about four weeks. Tummy tuck recovery time on average takes about two weeks but will vary from person to person. It may take up to six months before you see the full effect of your tummy tuck.
Are you a good candidate for a tummy tuck? We’ll discuss that during your consultation. But what I can tell you is that you should be at a reasonable, realistic weight before surgery. It also helps if you’re a non-smoker. I also want to mention that some men take it a step further and undergo liposuction after they’ve had a tummy tuck to target the flank or love handle areas. That combination gives men that svelte, buff look that many men desire.
Make an Appointment for Your Male Tummy Tuck
I often tell my patients to manage their expectations and be realistic about their goals. For example, a tummy tuck won’t make you thin, but it will make you more streamlined. Come in for a consultation so we can discuss male tummy tucks, and I can answer any of your questions. Call my office at 301-656-6398 and make an appointment.
March 21, 2019 6:31 am
Categories: Blog, Tummy Tuck